Enn Volmere
View of Võru. 1968
Oil, tempera, canvas. 79 x 93 cm (framed)
price 6 300
There are many views of Võru in Estonian art history, as many artists came from Võru County. On the other hand, Enn Volmere was born in Otepää, and Võru was not his hometown. As a self-taught artist, he searched for his own style of expression and found it in subjects close to his heart, i.e. primarily landscape views. At the same time, Võru's view carries a bit of the modern spirit of the 1960s, which is indicated by both the cars driving on the street and the chosen straight perspective, which leaves no room for romantic nooks and crannies. At the same time, Volmere has been charmed by the rhythm of private houses in Võru, which he has tried to convey, while at the same time leading the viewer's gaze into the depths of the picture space, which creates a certain dreaminess.