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our artists:

Untitled IIIxUntitled VIIxUntitled VxUntitled IIx

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Alice Kask

1976 Tallinnas

I don’t know a single other Estonian artist who would have fans in so many enormously different camps. She is rated highly by people who in every other point of view – right down to the “main purpose of art” – would be at each other’s throats. One of the 1970s avant-garde artists admitted one morning when we were sipping tea at his studio while looking at his latest paintings (a typical bourgeois situation) that Kask is keeping alive his hopes for the future of painting. "Her language of form”, he said, "is developing further the very thing that we used to try to discover, but – thank god – she is free from the shackles of art history that kept us chained up at our time”.  A few days later I ran into a young art critic who told me: “Kask is showing those old farts” and that “this is what contemporary art should be like, although, damn, there could be something more to it…” And he marched off, his eyes sparkling with passion.



1995-1999 Estonian Academy of Arts, painting department
aastast 1999 Estonian Academy of Arts, MA studies in Art

solo exhibitions

2008 Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn
2005 Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn
2003 KU Gallery, Tallinn
2001 Oleks poleks, Vaal Gallery Tallinn
Haapsalu City Gallery, Haapsalu

group exhibitions

2007 Praguebiennale 3, Glocal & Outsiders: Connecting Cultures in Central Europe
2006 Wake up! Rauma Biennale Balticum, Rauma, Finland
2005 1965-2005 Guido ja Signe Sammelselja art collection, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn
Here, but Not Now, Kaunas Picture Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
2004 Mina ja Teine, Artists Union annual exhibition, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn
Like Humans Do, Riihimäki Art Museum, Riihimäki, Finland
Nord Art, Germany
Vilniuse painting triennal, Vilnius, Lithuania
Estonian Institute, France
2003 Chart, Painters Union annual exhibition, Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn
2002 Kapital, Eesti Kultuurkapitali ostud, Museum of Architecture, Tallinn
2001 Estonian Art, Tersaeus Gallery, Denmark
2000 XX. sajandi kunstniku mälestuseks, Art Museum, Tallinn
Painters Union annual exhibitions, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn
Pallas 80, Tartu
grupinäitus with Mirja-Mari Smidt, Toomas Tõnissoo, Ramo Teder, Sammas Gallery, Tallinn
1999 Art Academy Diploma exhibitions, Rotermann Salt Storage, Tallinn
Painting department students exhibitions, Narva Museum, Narva
Identiteet-identiteedid-Maal´99, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn
Noor Eesti Maal, Tallinn
1998 Into Yourself, Brussels
Autor x Autor, Tartu
Maali sõna, Rotermann Salt Storage, Tallinn
1997 EKA Gallery Tallinn
Kastellaani House, Tallinn
Helsingi Kunsttööstuskool, Helsinki, Finalnd
Landscape today, sümpoosium, Neumünster, Germany
Emad ja tütred, Tallinn University, Tallinn
Moveimus, Rotermann Salt Storage, Tallinn
Noor Eesti Rahvuslik Maal, Nõmme cinema, Tallinn
1996 Rüütli Gallery ( with Tiiu Poomi ja Laur Tiidemanniga ), Tallinn


2005 Annual art award of Vaal Gallery, Estonia
2003 Konrad Mägi award
1998 Saku Young Artist award


2005 Eesti Kultuurkapitali aastastipendium
The Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, Unesko Aschberg Programmes "Artist in Residence", 2004
2003 Eesti Kultuurkapitali aastastipendium
1999 Eesti Kultuurkapitali stipendium õpinguteks külalisateljees Prahas, Tšehhis
1997 Landscape today, kunst Balti mere regioonis - sümpoosium, Newmünster, Saksamaa

works in collections

Eesti Kunstimuuseum
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
Newmünster´i Muuseum, Saksamaa
AS Eesti Kunstigalerii
Tallinna Linna Kunstikogu
Erakogud Eestis ja Rootsis


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