Elmar Kits
Abstract Composition. 1969
Tempera. Vm 26.2 x 23.4 cm (framed)
price 3 800
Elmar Kits, one of the most legendary painters in Tartu, whose development as an artist and early creative self-expression fell on controversial political times between the 1930s and 1950s, was forced to bend himself according to national requirements when making art. It was not until the 1960s that Elmar Kits got rid of forced themes and reached abstract art, like several other artists who studied at the Pallas school of art, but decided to emigrate abroad. The rather formal-sounding title Abstraktne kompositsioon (Abstract Composition) is, as a painting, what it is introduced as. The culmination of modernist painting. Non-figurative painting. Elmar Kits pays attention to the colouring and surfaces, and the painting has the chic character of the 1960s. By the way, Tartu loves its artists so much that it has a street named after Elmar Kits.