Illimar Paul
Rocky Beach. 1996
Watercolor. Vm 50.7 x 54 cm (framed)
price 6 200
A watercolour with superb precision, almost photographic sharpness, by Illimar Paul with a background in graphic art. Certain graphic techniques require exceptional precision engraving, where every detail counts. Watercolourists, on the other hand, generally try to get the colours to blend into each other by using a water-based pigment, which you can see a little at the top of the picture. The colouring, however, is unexpected. An important light source is the sun, which is missing from the picture. It is, however, a northern, ‘cold sun’, as the colours suggest. As a renowned commercial graphic artist, Illimar Paul has produced ex libris, posters, book design, etc., as well as freelance work.