Kristjan Raud


Kalevipoeg ema otsimas. Undated

Pencil, paper. 36 x 22 cm
price 4 986 (sold)

Kristjan Raud "Kalevipoeg ema otsimas"

Kristjan Raud "Kalevipoeg ema otsimas"
Only a few names can be placed next to Kristjan Raud. Certainly Konrad Mägi, maybe also Ants Laikmaa, but things get more complicated from here on. We could find other art teachers, we even know a number of authors, who owned a study studio, but the influence, persistence of the creation and first of all – complete dedication to every work – are values, excelling of which has until now turned out to be impossible. It is not without reason, that Raud is also considered to be the leader of the Estonian national art, because it is first of all his most famous, most valued and the most rare Kalevipoeg-series, where “you recognize Estonia in every line” (Kristjan Raud).
Having studied and worked firstly at Virumaa, after that in Tartu and in its surroundings, Raud entered the higher school of arts in St.Petersburg only at the age of 27, but headed already five years later to the Düsseldorf Art Academy, after that to Munich. Having returned from there, Raud immediately started to participate in the “Noor-Eesti” movement, emphasizing in addition to the renewing appeals also the importance of collecting of popular folklore. So Raud absorbed during the following decades more deeply into the local folklore tradition, where were clearly coming to the fore the Kalevipoeg-stories.
But Raud would not have been himself, if Kalevipoeg had not started to signify for him something much bigger than just a story and its hero. In Kalevipoeg by Raud have been detected different values during different times: stressing of national independence, stressing of the importance of the past, fight against conquerors, even stressing of the integrity of man and nature.
“Kalevipoeg ema otsimas” (“Kalevipoeg looking for mother”) also adds to the list the general ethical message. Here Kalevipoeg becomes a symbol, which symbolizes sorrow and longing, which are known to everybody. In a Kristjan-Raud-person are “concealed the eternal values of life, which improve, make more subtle, exalt life and which create a new, better life” (Raud). A possibility to glance at the more than rare drawings by Raud is most probably a moment, “which is to be remembered very well, remembered to the bottom”.

Booking and purchase

Appearance in auctions

Kristjan Raud
1927-1933. Pencil, gouache, paper on cardboard Lm 32.8 x 25.8 cm (framed)
ESTONIAN GRAPHICS Haus Gallery 06.11.2024
5 400
Final price:
Kristjan Raud
1930-1940s. Pencil, paper Lm 18.4 x 9 cm (framed)
GRAPHIC ART CLASSICS Haus Gallery 03.11.2022
1 600
Final price: 2 600
Death of Kalevipoeg
Kristjan Raud
Death of Kalevipoeg
1935. Pencil, paper Vm 23.7 x 45.8 cm (framed)
4 300
Final price: 7 200
(sold)"> (sold)Kalevipoeg Kääpa jõel
Kristjan Raud
Kalevipoeg Kääpa jõel
1937. pencil, gouache on paper vm 21.5 x 35 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XL AUCTION, AUTUMN 2016. Haus Gallery 28.10.2016
3 500
Final price:
Sõnajalgade keskel
Kristjan Raud
Sõnajalgade keskel
1940-1943. ink, gouache on paper lm 18.3 x 22.6 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XVIII AUCTION autumn Haus Gallery 08.10.2015-30.11.1999
3 300
Final price:
Villemi talu
Kristjan Raud
Villemi talu
1939. charcoal on paper lm 58.5 x 82 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXXVI ART AUCTION. 2014 autumn Haus Gallery 06.10.2014
14 900
Final price:
Kristjan Raud
1928-1939. pencil, paper lm 17.3 x 21.8 cm (framed)
Haus Gallery 25.10.2013
3 400
Final price:
Kristjan Raud
1900. pencil, paper lm 16.5 x 21 cm (framed)
Haus Gallery 26.10.2012
1 330
Final price:
Still Life (Bowls)
Kristjan Raud
Still Life (Bowls)
1896-1899. Oil, canvas on cardboard 17.2 x 22.8 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXXI ART AUCTION. 2012 spring Haus Gallery 20.04.2012
4 300
Final price: 4 300
Leinav Linda
Kristjan Raud
Leinav Linda
1927-1933. pencil, paper Lm 19.5 x 35 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXIII ART AUCTION 2008 autumn. Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 28.10.2008
4 602
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Kalevipoeg ema otsimas
Kristjan Raud
Kalevipoeg ema otsimas
Undated. Pencil, paper 36 x 22 cm
HAUS GALLERY XVth ART AUCTION, 2004 autumn Haus Gallery 21.10.2004
4 985
Final price: 4 985
(sold)"> (sold)Kalevipoeg isa haual
Kristjan Raud
Kalevipoeg isa haual
1942. Pencil 23 x 37 cm
HAUS / XIIth AUCTION, 2003 spring Haus Gallery 24.04.2003
3 323
Final price: 6 295
(sold)"> (sold)Palvetund
Kristjan Raud
1938. Pencil, paper Lm. 20 x 29 cm
HAUS / XI AUCTION, 2002 autumn Haus Gallery 24.10.2002
3 579
Final price: 3 931

Appearance in exhibitions

Kristjan Raud
1927-1933. Pencil, gouache, paper on cardboard Lm 32.8 x 25.8 cm (framed)
ESTONIAN ART CLASSICS AUCTION Haus Gallery 13.10.2024-06.11.2024
price: 5 400