Exhibition > Past > Haus Gallery
Haus Gallery 21.12.2001-12.01.2002
SpringSummerAutumnWinter. The Breakingpoint.
Initial idea of the exhibition has grown out of the research of Rein Raud that deals with room and time conciousness in different cultures and its role in the self-creation of the social-cultural myself of man. Majority of this work is dedicated to the connections of room and time conciousness with artistic self-expression - from it also the attempt to implement theoretical ideas in the creation of a real artistic environment. |
The exhibition is an organised room, in which phases of
time cycles follow each other - we call them conventionally spring,
summer, autumn and winter, but each phase has its allusions also with the
growth and love circle of man - and the exposed works (photos, videos,
installations and paintings) place in it according to their conceptual
connection with one or another phase. Still works themselves often rather
reflect man\'s \"being -here -and - now\" and are therefore under tension
with the actual order of the room, as the eternal and transitory always
is. Until now the Haus Gallery has concentrated mainly on exposing of the creation of one author. The curator project of Rein Raud is in the gallery the first event of the kind that involves in addition to the Estonian artists also foreign authors. |
At the exhibition participate Eve Kask, Peeter Laurits, Dainius Lishkevicius (Lithuania), Rekha Menon (India/ USA), Mall Nukke, Herkki Merila, Jorma Puranen (Finland), Rosita Raud, Ene-Liis Semper, Liina Siib, S&P Stanikas ((Lithuania). |
Dainius Liškevicius (born in 1970) is one of the most well-known Lithuanian artists of the younger generation, laureate of many international prizes, who according to the education is a sculptor, but has tested almost all forms of modern art from photos to installations and performances and has received attention in all spheres. To him is characteristic theatricality, placing of objects into grotesque contexts, where they get a new and unexpected meaning. |
Rekha Menon (born in 1966) is from India, has studied art and philosophy in several universities of the USA and at the moment is a professor at the SUNY (Buffalo) University. In addition to philosophy and art-science - related works he is also an active artist and propagates the newer art of India. In his creation he tries to join the means of classical art and the classical Indian cultural thinking, in which dominate sexuality, energy and joy of life. |
Jorma Puranen (born in 1951) is one of the internationally most well-known Finnish photo artists, professor of the Taidetekninen korkeakoulu, who mainly handles in his works contacts of the primeval Nordic nature and of man, having grown in it, with Western civilization and the rest of the world. On works, exposed at the exhibition that are from series \"Imaginary Homecoming\" are depicted photos of Finns and Saamis, who have been brought back to their initial environment, originating from the collections of the Paris Antropological Museum. |
S&P Stanikas (born in 1961 and 1962), couple of artists, working in Vilnius and Paris, has become famous first of all with monumental sculptures that in their brutal esthetics examine man\'s sexuality. They have also dealt with body-art and with their photo exhibitions have caused scandals both home and abroad, but also sensitive lyrics in not unknown to them. |