Exhibition > Past > Haus Gallery

Haus Gallery 18.11.2003-12.12.2003


What is done, will be doing again

One of the leading Estonian female artists shows her older and new works.

While talking about the creation of Kristiina Kaasik, we are at first perplexed and most probably also remain in such a state. Because these are paintings, talking of which we can not use any already implemented trajectories, in this case we are not dealing with \"a good old acquaintance of us\", from which to draw parallels, what to compare and classify. Yes, we can remember the tradition of abstract expressionism and squeeze the creation of Kaasik into it, but the result would be a violent one. There are too many layers and targets have been set too high for hasty classification. Let us drop calssification and listen to the artist, even though she rather suggests us to listen to the silence.

What are my paintings about, what is my subject.
Questions that are being frequently asked from me and while answering of which I always feel certain embarrassment.
I could say that the subject is colour, the magic of co-influence of colours.
I could say that to the magic of colours are added searches for the eternal vibration.
I could say that this is actually longing for something cleaner and more perfect.
I could say that I just want to turn  the invisible into visible.
I can not say for sure, whether any of these statements are absolutely true.
Still I hope that a viewer without a prejudice,  having an open heart, is able to enter these paintings.

And even more. Let us clarify some things. In 1960ies Kaasik participated as one of the youngest members in the avant-garde movement of the period and for the last forty decades she has been drowned to a greater or smaller extent into the wake-water of this movement. But Kaasik has been detached for a long period, she became a long time ago an indepndent artist, who wrote about a decade ago:

I slowly started the third stage in my artist\'s life. For me this is passing from shadows into the light. Getting rid of the suppressing burden of years. Cleansing from inside. Looking for subtler and cleaner vibrations. Listening to the silence. Is it only the path of an Estonian artist or a humane obligation for all of us?

The answer is on the walls.

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