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web 05.07.2017 12:57-19.08.2017 18:00

Mall Nukke - "Landscapes of Estonian Manors"

The exhibition takes place in the Lihula manor house.

An exhibition of paintings by Mall Nukke, titled Eesti Mõisamaastikud (Landscapes of Estonian Manors), will be open in the Lihula manor house from 5 July to 5 August, and is an innovative part of the legendary series of concerts titled Estonian Manors 2017. A tour of the manor will take place on 27 July at 17.00, an hour before the first concert is set to begin, in which the artist will provide an introduction to the exhibition. Proceeds from the sale of the paintings will be used to support the last venue to host the series of concerts, the Hummuli Manor School.

Advanced and elegant modern Estonian painting, combined with music, history, and architecture – Haus Gallery is curating the exhibition of paintings by Mall Nukke, an Estonian painter, at the Lihula manor house, the venue for the first concert in the charitable series of concerts titled Estonian Manors 2017 by Corelli Music. The exhibition includes new works from the series Vaikelu Eesti Ilmaga (Still-life with Estonian Weather). The facades of manor houses reflecting on the fragile spheres of glass, and the strips of fabric in national colours that are entwined around them, tell the story of a period in the process of the shaping of the destiny and cultural heritage of the Estonian people. The entire exhibition resonates with both the flowing shapes in the manor house and manor park, as well as with beautiful and gentle baroque music. As an additional part of the exhibition, Mall Nukke’s figurative charcoal drawings will also be on display at the Haus Gallery, in Tallinn.

Mall Nukke received an MA in graphic design from the Estonian Academy of Arts, but has also used painting, collages, and digital means of expression in her creative work. The artist has held personal exhibitions of her works since 1991, and she is a member of The Association of Estonian Printmakers, The Estonian Artists' Association, and the Estonian Painters' Association.

Haus Gallery began the process of developing the Estonian art market and contributing to the promotion of local art in 1997, and represents the best of high-level professional art in Estonia. Authors with whom the gallery is working are well-known on the Estonian art scene and have also received international attention. In addition to auctions involving classic art, the gallery has also organised charity auctions.

The charitable series of concerts organised by Corelli Music titled Estonian Manors is a unique cultural phenomenon that has taken place every summer since 1999, combining history lectures by Mr Jüri Kuuskemaa, masterpieces of architecture, and beautiful music from the golden age of manor houses, with sponsorship for small schools and orphanages located in manor houses. The series combines the values of the past with the creations of modern artists in 800 year old Terra Mariana. The baroque ensemble Corelli Consort, which is celebrating its jubilee, and the spectacular young mezzo-soprano Tuuri Dede, will be performing this summer. Estonian Manors 2017 supports the development of the creativity of the children of the Hummuli Manor School.

This year’s concert venues and times:

Thurs 27 July 2017, at 18.00 at Lihula manor house (Lihula Parish, Lääne County)
Fri 28 July 2017 at 18.00 at Vana-Vigala manor house (Vigala Parish, Rapla County)
Sat 29 July 2017 at 18.00 at Heimtali manor house (Paistu Parish, Viljandi County)
Sun 30 July 2017 at 17.00 at Hummuli manor house (Helme Parish, Valga County)

The exhibition remains open until August 5.
Lihula Manor is open from Tuesday to Saturday 11 to 17. Monday, Sunday closed.
Entrance to the exhibition with a museum (concert) ticket.


Proceeds from the sale of the paintings will also be used to support the Hummuli Manor School. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, please visit the auction site of Haus Gallery at or contact the gallery directly (, +372 641 9471)

Additional information:
Haus Gallery
Uus tn 17, Tallinn
+372 641 9471

< back
0. Mall Nukke Fontään 2016. 1 65.5 x 65.5 cm (framed) Starting price 680 Last bid - Final price -
Vaikelu Eesti Ilmaga III, Lihula mõis
0. Mall Nukke Vaikelu Eesti Ilmaga III, Lihula mõis 2017. 1 56.5 x 106 cm (framed) Starting price 1 000 Last bid - Final price -
Vaikelu Eesti Ilmaga II, Vana - Vigala mõis
0. Mall Nukke Vaikelu Eesti Ilmaga II, Vana - Vigala mõis 2017. 1 56.5 x 106 cm (framed) Starting price 1 000 Last bid - Final price -
Sinine vaikelu Kuldmunadega
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Sinine vaikelu kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega II
0. Mall Nukke Sinine vaikelu kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega II 2017. 1 56 x 81 cm (framed) Starting price 830 Last bid - Final price -
Sinine vaikelu kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega I
0. Mall Nukke Sinine vaikelu kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega I 2017. 1 56 x 82 cm (framed) Starting price 830 Last bid - Final price -
Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega IV
0. Mall Nukke Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega IV 2016. 1 100 x 100 cm (not framed) Starting price 2 550 Last bid - Final price -
Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega III
0. Mall Nukke Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega III 2016. 1 100 x 100 cm (not framed) Starting price 2 550 Last bid - Final price -
Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega II
0. Mall Nukke Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega II 2016. 1 100 x 100 cm (not framed) Starting price 2 550 Last bid - Final price -
Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega I
0. Mall Nukke Mäng kolmevärviliste klaaskuulidega I 2016. 1 100 x 100 cm (not framed) Starting price 2 550 Last bid - Final price -
Kompositisoon Kolme värviga
0. Mall Nukke Kompositisoon Kolme värviga 2015. 1 35 x 45 cm (framed) Starting price 560 Last bid - Final price -
(sold)Valge vaikelu Kuldmunaga
0. Mall Nukke Valge vaikelu Kuldmunaga 2017. 1 33.5 x 36 cm (framed) Starting price 400 Last bid - Final price -