Exhibition > Past > SEB Gallery

SEB Gallery 08.03.2006-07.04.2006



As continuation of the tradition which was initiated some years ago, also this spring will be exposed in SEB Ühispank Gallery the works, having participated at the creative contest, which has already been organised for the ninth time by Old Town Educational College.

If we walk day by day along the same streets, look out of the same windows and sit in the same cafés, then it may happen that we completely absorb into our surroundings. We and the city become one body – which is good, if only  this growing together was not accompanied by congelation and automation. For shaking up from the daily routine and for fresh noticing of one’s daily school – work – city environment the creative contest of the year 2006 was dedicated to the spiritual heritage and own school in the old city, also the contest celebrates the 20. anniversary of the Old Town Educational College and the House of Music.

The students have resourcefully reflected their relations towards the school and the old city in films, paintings, table-game, photos and also in bindings and author’s books.
Differently from the previous years, at this year’s exhibition also participate the teachers.

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